The Inspiring Role of Apostle Joshua Selman in My Life.

This is a story of how a man of God Apostle Joshua Selman inspired my life. I was born into a Christian home and grew up in a Baptist church. My early years were marked by Sunday school lessons, hymns, and a supportive community that nurtured my spiritual growth. I got baptized as a teenager, —a pivotal moment that marked a public declaration of my faith.

Abbas Delight

My involvement in church activities, such as Sunbeam and Girls Auxiliary groups, provided a solid foundation in Christ’s teachings. Singing in the choir also brought immense joy and a sense of purpose. My parents were intentional about their Kids Knowing God.

The Challenges of University Life

However, university life brought a dramatic shift. The nurturing church community I had known was replaced by a different environment. The pressures of academics, social life, and personal challenges began to create a gap between me and my faith but I never went too far.

By 2020 during COVID -19 Lockdoiwn, I faced a profound loss that nearly plunged me into depression. This dark period led me to question God’s love and presence in my life.

Divine Encounter

In my despair, I turned to God, asking Him to guide me to the right spiritual leaders and once more abide in me. It was during this period that I discovered Pstor Jerry Eze and Apostle Joshua Selman. Their messages resonated deeply with me, offering hope and guidance when I needed it the most. God bless these men of God abundantly. But Today, I want to share how Apostle Joshua Selman of Koinonia has profoundly impacted my life.

The Impact of Apostle Joshua Selman

Apostle Joshua Selman

Words often fall short when trying to describe the impact of Apostle Joshua Selman. I am deeply grateful for his teachings, wisdom, and mentorship even though we have never met physically, I have been impacted by his knowing him. Hiis teachings continue to nurture my faith and transform me to be more like Jesus. Koinonia focuses on “Jesus Revealed, Jesus Glorified,” Halleluya. Here are some of the remarkable qualities I’ve learned from him:

  1. Integrity
    Apostle Selman exemplifies integrity. His life mirrors his commitment to God’s principles, and this authenticity has influenced my spiritual journey immensely.
  2. Humility and Honor
    Apostle Selman’s humility is evident in his speech, teachings, and interactions. His respect for people of all ages has taught me the importance of honoring others.
  3. Relatability and Relationships
    Apostle Selman shares personal experiences and struggles, highlighting the significance of relationships and gratitude. His emphasis on how God blesses us through men has been enlightening.
  4. Love for God
    Though I haven’t seen Jesus physically, Apostle Selman reflects Him in his life. His labor to win souls for God and his demonstration of God’s existence have deepened my understanding and love for God.

The Transformative Influence of Koinonia and Sound of Revival Conferences.

In a generation where there is a need for spiritual growth and revival Apostle Joshua Selman’s ministry through Koinonia and the Sound of Revival Conferences has brought about remarkable transformation. Here’s a closer look at the influence of these conferences:

  1. Revival of Faith and Spiritual Depth
    Apostle Selman’s teachings delve into profound spiritual truths, renewing faith providing a deeper understanding of God and helping develop an intimate relationship with him.
  2. Building a Stronger Community of Christians
    The conferences foster unity among believers from diverse backgrounds, creating lasting relationships and collaborative efforts. toward revealing Jesus and bringing glory to God.
  3. Inspiring Personal Transformation
    Believers often experience life-changing breakthroughs and discover their purpose through the powerful messages delivered by Apostle Selman.
  4. Promoting Global Outreach
    Koinonia and the Sound of Revival Conferences have an international reach, spreading revival messages and promoting cross-cultural understanding both online and onsite.
  5. Encouraging Leadership Development
    Apostle Selman’s teachings on leadership inspire individuals to make significant contributions to their communities and spheres of influence especially the time harvest of soul for Jesus.
  6. Fostering a Culture of Worship and Prayer
    The atmosphere of worship and prayer at these events creates a deep connection with God, with powerful testimonies of transformation.
Apostle Joshua Selman

Final Thoughts

Koinonia Ministry and the Sound of Revival Conferences led by Apostle Joshua Selman are more than events; they are transformative experiences that leave a lasting impact. Through revival of faith, practical teachings, community building, personal transformation, global outreach, leadership development, worship, and inspiring testimonies, these experiences contribute to a greater movement of spiritual renewal and empowerment.

If you desire a deeper connection with God and a more profound understanding of faith, if you haven’t given your life to Jesus or want to rededicate it say the prayer below.

I encourage you to follow Koinonia on Instagram and YouTube. for more transformative teachings that will help with your new life in Jesus. and God bless you. I would also recommend you listen to the message “That Grace Called Favour “HERE

Lastly, never underestimate the power of prayer and how the HolySpirit can make everything work out for your good Romans 8:28 As I said earlier, I’ve never met the Apostle, but I pray to someday???? (AMEN) This little girl in faraway Australia is blessed because of your obedience to God’s calling. and is also spreading light from here. Thank you so much!

Have you experienced a transformation in your faith journey? Share your story in the comments below Let’s inspire each other and grow in faith together!


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